Authentic Presence
Authentic Presence https://www.dottingi.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/blog3.jpg 282 375 admin admin https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d159098b0cfd3e1a376c4271fc2e6048?s=96&d=mm&r=g- admin
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Our formative years provide us with a code, about following our dreams. In many families that are conservative to an extent, though they are well travelled and have refined tastes in several aspects, they do not consider clothing or style to change for their next generation. So countless young women in the corporate world are gently told they have the freedom to choose their career but the family feels responsible for their style. It’s really important to be supported by our own people, when one is transitioning to a new style. Even something like going from wearing a Salwar with Kurta to wearing a pair of cigarette pants with your Kurta, requires the nod of the immediate family. So, when a girl in the IT Sector, even if she is slated to be the next leader, changes the way she dresses, there is disapproval even if it is light-heartedly said.
Someone at home, may reluctantly approve but then the girl is also reminded of their middle – class values and the need to not focus on clothes. Leaders have to help the women of their teams realize their preciousness and then create an identity that matched that. When one wants to create an Authentic presence as a Leader, Its tough in the beginning. And six months later it is just practicing the techniques taught in the workshop till you feel it’s the ‘real you’ out there. (At Siemens)
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